Share Your Kingbull Moments

·Share Your Kingbull E-Bike Story

We’re excited to invite you to share your Kingbull e-bike story! Whether it's a memorable commute, a family ride, or a beachside adventure, we’d love to hear how Kingbull has added fun, freedom, or convenience to your life.

Everyone who participates has a chance to win wonderful rewards! We'll be selecting some great stories to receive Pass enger Seat Cushion or $100 Exclusive Discounts as a thank you for sharing.

How to Enter

  1. Write up your story, and feel free to include a few photos of your rides.
  2. Email your story to us at
  3. Or, post it on social media with the hashtag #MyKingbullStory and tag us so we don’t miss it!

· Become a kingbull photographer

We're glad you're interested in the photographer position at Kingbull! Kingbull is committed to providing widely accessible and affordable electric transportation to people. We realize that this mission also requires outstanding photographers to join us and help present our attractive products to customers. There is one more thing need to know - the Kingbull e-bikes in photos are the same fascinating as the majestic views, they just solve different aesthetic tasks.

For details, please send an Email to our colleague, introduce yourself and attach works / links to yoursocial media. We will make further talk with you!